Dumpling Story


Dumpling in China , is named as Jiaozi. It is served in Chinese families at different times of the year. 

In ancient times, it is special food for a family, it is served on Chinese Luna year to celebrate important festivals and dates, it means “stepping into a new era” and thus carries the meaning when people eat them at the moment of New Year. 

The remaining Jiaozi are stored in the refrigerator to fried for breakfast.

Jiaozi is shaped in ancient Ingot. It means wealthy and healthy in next new year. 

Particularly, in North China, people generally eat dumplings during winter season in the hope of a warm winter. 

Extended family members may gather together to make dumplings, and it is also eaten at farewells to family members or friends.

Chinese people make it filling with pork, vegetable, mushroom, shrimp, all varity fresh material, to make it delicious and nutrition.


According to legends, Jiaozi was invented in Eastern Han Dynasty between 150-219 CE by Zhang Zhongjing, 

who was a popular Chinese medicine practitioner. 

When Zhang returned to his hometown during a harsh winter, he saw many poor people suffering from frostbite in their ears due to the bad governing of the emperor.

Using his knowledge of Chinese herbs and medicine, he mixed Chinese medicinal herbs that heat up bodies with lamb and chili in doughs, folded the doughs into the shape of ears, put them in boiling water, and gave them to the poor people. 

After eating the wrapped dough with herbs and drinking the soup, people’s frostbite heals quickly.

In memory of his help to many people, eating Jiaozi became a tradition during the winter.


Written records show that jiaozi became popular during the Southern and Northern dynasties (420–589 CE) in China, 

the earliest unearthed real jiaozi were found in Astana Cemetery dated between 499 CE and 640 CE.


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